I always wanted to go to California. LA more like. It was where all the famous people lived and it just seemed like the place to be. I figured when i brought it up when I was 9 it was a long shot. But to my surprise they actually said yes and we actually went. I had never been so excited for a holiday. I remember getting to LAX and being quite disappointed. I thought it would be some amazing place for some reason but turns out it was just an ordinary plain airport. I honestly could not tell you a thing about where we stayed because I have no recollection. All I remember is walking on the Hollywood boulevard and getting a picture at almost every star. We went on a tour bus of hollywood and went to celebrities houses. Then while on the bus we got stopped at a traffic light beside Kyle Massey who starred on one of my favourite Disney Channel shows. He said hi to us and I thought about that moment for the rest of 2011. We did go to Disneyland and saw the parade and it was still as good even though I had been to Disneyland twice before. Also went to the Santa Monica Pier and saw a starfish which was interesting. We went to Vegas for 2 days to visit some family friends and they were very cool and American. I remember going to a Chinese restaurant where our food was cooked in front of us and I thought it was the most magical thing ever. Then me and my brother went upstairs and found Mike Tyson and got his autograph. It was a successful holiday and I would love to go back there.

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