Florida was my most recent holiday and also one of my favourites. I had already been there twice before in 2009 and 2014. America is one of my favourite places to go because the weather is great, there is so much to do and the people are really nice. I also love shopping and there are some great shopping centres there. Going to Florida was actually my idea and the parents just rolled with it. They love going to America though so I knew they wouldn't have a problem with it. After 2 flights we arrived in Orlando and headed for The Grove Resort & Spa. The Resort was stunning and massive. My weeks consisted of shopping, hanging by the pool and adventure parks. We also went to Miami for 2 days. My mom’s favourite thing to do is shop so the holiday mostly consisted of shopping. But the best part was going to Universal Studios. That was the highlight of the trip and I was finally old enough and had the courage to go on all of the rides. It was an amazing thrilling experience and I wou...